Out of Hours Maintenance Services

Out of Hours Maintenance Services

The Pont & Lyall out-of-hours emergency repairs service can only deal with issues that require urgent attention, and cannot wait for usual office hours.

In this instance, please call 0203 105 8587

What is an Emergency?

What is not an Emergency?

Please Note:

Contractors will charge a premium rate for dealing with out-of-hours emergencies. If an issue that is originating from your own demise, or is a personal maintenance request will be charged directly to you after the visit has been completed.

If you are experiencing a water leak from the flat above, you should speak to the person living above you in the first instance. If the flat is unoccupied, the only assistance that can be offered during emergency hours is that the water supply is turned off to the offending flat only if the valve is located outside the flat.

If the leak is so severe that entry to the flat is deemed to be essential, then dial 999 and speak to the emergency services.

If you are experiencing issues with your water supply, please call your water supply company.

Types of issues that we cannot deal with out of hours include service charge enquiries, correspondence, noise incidents, access to individual properties, satellite and television reception and all individual property maintenance including internal heating, plumbing and electrical issues.

Criminal incidents should be reported directly to the police.

Please note that the out of hours emergency responders do not hold contact information for individual residents.